What is a partner company?
Becoming a partner of a Chair means supporting research rooted in issues of interest to the professional world. Through this partnership, your company provides financial resources and participates in discussions on themes, beyond management issues, which could have strong societal consequences, such as developing an alternative social and solidarity economy to the classic model.
For example, your company can support specific research through doctoral scholarships, or become a sponsor to support a doctoral student over the three-year period of his or her thesis.
In this respect, there are currently 6 Chairs that can be supported :
- EPPP Chair – Economics of Public-Private Partnerships
- ETI Chair – Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation
- FINAGRI Chair – Alternative financing in the agricultural sector
And two in creation:
- Chair of Risks – Security-Organization-Incertitude-Standards
SSE Chair – Social and Solidarity Economy

Our partner companies and their representatives are regularly invited to a series of conferences, exchanges and debates on themes related to their partnership. This allows them to discuss directly with academics from IAE Paris-Sorbonne, or other French or international institutions. It is an opportunity for openness that is very much appreciated by companies. It is a real opportunity for the executives of our partner companies to be actors, to confront their ideas, to present results and to participate as speakers in training courses in the continuity of these chairs.
Why become a partner of IAE ?
The companies that become our partners most often operate in one of our research areas. The partnership generally begins because a teacher or a group of teacher-researchers is already working on themes with this company or on subjects related to its concerns.
The chair and the endowment fund thus give concrete expression to a sharing of interests, allow for in-depth study of subjects or contribute to themes on which companies and teachers are accustomed to interact.
This joint work allows the partnership to develop naturally. The companies that support the chair follow the progress of the work but also the evolution of the themes tackled in collaboration with teacher-researchers.